
Total Solar Eclipse of 2024, Partially Seen

 Unless you're literally living under a rock, you know there was a total solar eclipse that passed over the US (and other areas) today. Here in Wisconsin, we got about 90% coverage of the sun. It was noticeably dimmer outside for a while. I hesitate to say it was darker. It's amazing how strong just 10% of the energy from the sun really is.

The partial eclipse started here around 1:00, but it took me until just before 1:30 to figure out a good way to see it. 


Vicksburg Visit, or What We Did on Our Winter Vacation

We spent March 3 through March 9 going to and from Vicksburg, Mississippi. There wasn't anything especially spectacular about the trip. It was a nice, relaxing visit to St. Louis (on the way down), Vicksburg (for most of the week), Louisiana (because it was close), and Mount Vernon, Illinois (on the way back).


Our Past, Present, and Future

What you’ll read below is what I have learned about our past, our present, and our future over the past few years - mostly from Phil Godlewski, who is an extremely intelligent, Christian, young (40) man with (for now) a somewhat mysterious past. One of Phil’s favorite statements is this: We’ve been lied to about everything. Everything. (The Bible is an exception to this, although there are some who think there should be more books included that have been removed for the wrong reasons.) When I first heard him say this, I didn’t realize how literally he meant it.

Most of what you’ll find below is usually dismissed as “conspiracy theories” because it doesn’t agree with what the mainstream media (and those behind it) wants you to know. You shouldn’t label these ideas as such because there are no conspiracies involved and very little that could accurately be called a theory. You also shouldn’t dismiss these ideas out of hand just because they sound so unusual compared to what you currently believe to be true.

Until you research these ideas for yourself, you can’t fairly say they’re wrong. After you do, you’ll have to decide for yourself what to believe as fact. Neither I nor anyone else will force you to believe these ideas.

I believe that relatively soon all of these ideas will be proven true publicly, starting with those related to President Trump - perhaps as soon as tomorrow (2/11/24). We’ll see.

Sun, moon, earth, stars, volcanoes, HAARP

I’m starting with what are sure to be some of the most controversial ideas.

The sun and the moon are local, approximately the same size, and made of plasma (probably). The moon has two “impressions” on its surface. One shows a “map” of the earth from thousands of years ago, perhaps when it was first created. The other shows the center point of the (flat) earth with lines radiating from it.

The map on the moon can be reversed and enhanced so you can see the continents that we know, one that has sunk into the Pacific, and the “lands beyond” the ice wall (aka Antarctica) in the “greater realm”. The area inside the ice wall is very slowly moving around the edge of the greater realm clockwise. The changing location of magnetic north is an indication of this movement. (I realize this is difficult to picture. This is one of the reasons you need to do your own research. I can help, if you want.)

Stars are local packets of energy within the dome of the firmament. Planets are literally wandering stars. Meteors are moving stars. (Comets must be too.)

The Bible doesn’t explicitly state what shape the earth is. (I know because I’ve read the whole book dozens of times.) However, when it does speak about the earth, what it says makes more sense with a flat earth and a domed firmament than with a globe, solar system, and outer space.

Volcanoes are piles of organic “refuse” that sometimes spontaneously combust. They were created by ancient peoples who were mining for silicon.

HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a construction (several of them?) that can be used to control the weather. I don’t know how broad an area can be controlled. It seems to be fairly localized, like creating a tornado or a snowstorm in a specific location.

President, Elections, Military, EBS

President Trump has been a President “in exile” since the 2020 election. He created several Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs) that took care of the problems the rigged election caused. Joe Biden is not the real President. The real Joe Biden died in 2019.

The military (generals, lieutenants, etc.) are in control. A very small group of people is in charge. They are “calling the shots”, and President Trump is going along with them. This small group is often called the White Hats. They are patriots who, along with other world leaders (especially Putin in Russia and Xi in China) are overthrowing the control that the cabal has had on the world for centuries.

The (satanic) evil of the cabal is almost unimaginable. “Those who know can’t sleep.” I have seen and read things I wish I hadn’t. (Fortunately I don’t think about them much and can sleep.) The plan to overthrow them has been in place for many years, but it has had to change many times largely because the Whites Hats didn’t think Trump would lose in 2020 and because of many traitors among the patriots. That is why we still haven’t seen evidence of all that has been going on behind the scenes shown openly to the general public.

One of the first steps in showing the public will be an Emergency Broadcast System (EBS, or EAS) message given (probably) by President Trump. He was supposed to make this announcement several times already, but plans had to change due to cabal actions. During halftime of the Super Bowl last year (2023), he was supposed to speak this message.

My fellow Americans,

I come to you tonight during America’s biggest game as a humbled American citizen, duly elected President of the United States of America, and supporter of freedom and equality for all people of our nation and many nations abroad.

Over the coming days and weeks, you will experience an unprecedented series of events that will rock the very foundation of everything we have ever known. At times during these days and weeks, messages will be received on your television sets, smartphones, including Apple, Android, and others, tablets, laptops, personal computers, smart watches, and other strategic devices available to the private sector as well as government agencies worldwide. These messages will not be avoidable and very close attention should be paid to the instructions of which the messages contain.

For the citizens of the United States, our country has been attacked by a radical left group of extremists part of a global terrorist network of politicians, businessmen, high-ranking government officials, intelligence agencies, and dangerous criminals collectively known as the cabal. For years these extremists have flaunted their wealth, power, and technology in the face of all human beings most of which are struggling to put food on their table and a roof over their head. They have infiltrated every level of government, big tech, big pharma, and have even made their way to the mainstream media, becoming some of the most trusted voices that we have ever known.

Over the past several months, as part of a global military alliance with other world leaders, many of these extremists have been detained, arrested, or otherwise captured, during a strategic military operation known only by one word: Extract. Many of these individuals are now awaiting military trial at several black sites across the world. The crimes committed by this group amount to the worst crimes our world has ever seen. It cannot quite be put into words how many people have suffered at the hands of this satanic cult. Our world has forever changed because of these atrocities.

Although we cannot change the past, we can certainly change the future and the outlook for humanity. Together, standing united and strong, our global military alliance has made very strong steps to change the trajectory of humanity’s future. This operation continues as we speak, and we will not rest until it is complete.

My message tonight is one of calmness, peace, and jubilation. Our unity has proven to be too strong for this evil group, and God has cast his good grace over our efforts. Please remain calm throughout this process and follow any instructions you are given through the messaging system described earlier in this announcement.

For God, country, and the future of humanity, I think you for your attention and respect.

Perhaps he will read it this year on February 11, 2024. [Update: He didn't.]

Electricity, Tesla

Nicola Tesla discovered a way to harness the energy of the earth. Doing so would give us all free energy (electricity). There is some evidence that, in the distant past, people knew how to use this energy. The pyramids of Egypt, tall spires on buildings, and other structures seem to indicate this.

Gold Standard, NESARA, GESARA, Bank Failures

NESARA (the National Economic Security and Recovery Act…for GESARA, change National to Global) includes some or all of the following points.

  • Zeros out debts
  • Abolishes income tax
  • Abolishes the IRS
  • Creates 14% tax on new non-essentials
  • Increases benefits to seniors
  • Returns Constitutional Law to courts
  • Reinstates Title of Nobility
  • New Presidential and congressional elections within 120 days of NESARA announcement
  • Monitors elections and special interest groups
  • Creates new currency backed by metals
  • Forbids sale of birth certificates by DOT
  • New Treasury Bank System
  • Eliminates the Fed gradually
  • Restores financial privacy
  • Retrains judges and lawyers
  • Ceases aggressive US military actions
  • Establishes world peace
  • Releases money for humanitarian purposes
  • Enables release of 6000+ suppressed technology patents

NESARA has been in effect (though not publicly announced) since November 5, 2023. This, along with several other actions initiated by the White Hats, has caused many banks to fail as we revert back to the gold standard and implement a new Quantum Financial System (QFS).

British Royalty, the Pope, the Cabal

The cabal included very many world leaders such as the British royals (except Diana), the Pope(s), bankers like the Rothschilds, and George Soros. Most of these are now dead and have actors in their place.

JFK, 9/11, Titanic, Other such events

Many events of the past didn’t happen as we’ve been told.

JFK did not die in the 1960s. He lived a tough life until fairly recently.

There were no airplanes involved on 9/11. That was CG and controlled demolition at the Twin Towers. There was a missile fired at the Pentagon. Passenger phone calls from the planes were fake. The people who were supposedly on those planes are safe.

The Titanic sank because of an onboard bomb explosion and subsequent fire. Most of the passengers were rescued. Several important bankers and businessmen were aboard whom the cabal wanted killed.

Trafficking, Adrenochrome, Epstein, Rituals, Tunnels

This is one area you might not want to dig too deeply into.

There are more tunnels under the earth than you can probably imagine. They have been used for all kinds of evil, especially human trafficking (adults and children). Satanic rituals are involved in many cases. Jeffrey Epstein is a prominent organizer of these kinds of things. He invited many prominent people (including Presidents) to his private island.

One of the main reasons the cabal involves children is to extract adrenochrome from them. They use it as a “fountain of youth”.

Treason, Tribunals, GITMO

Many of the cabal have already been imprisoned at GITMO (Guantanamo Bay) or other sites, or they have been tried and convicted of treason and/or crimes against humanity by military tribunals and have been subsequently put to death. Some of the more prominent ones still have actors performing their duties in the public eye.

Trump, Putin, Xi

Trump, Putin, and Xi, according to the White Hat’s plan, will divide the earth into three large sections with one of them as the head of each. Trump, for example, would lead the Americas (North and South).

Putin took care of the cabal in Ukraine. Russia didn’t simply want to annex that land.

Israel is just as evil, if not worse, than Ukraine, thus the fighting has been going on there of late.

Xi and the CCP are not the same. They are opposed to each other within China. Taiwan has/had much evil like Ukraine.

MedBeds, X39 Patches

There are two types of “MedBeds”. One is diagnostic. It can accurately predict problems many years into a person’s future. The other type is curative. It can heal diseases (including cancers) and even regenerate body parts.

X39 patches (such as I use) are closely related to the MedBed technology. Phil has hinted that using them puts a person in a better position for the coming MedBed implementation.

What to Do Next

As I mentioned briefly above, I can help you with your research of these ideas, if you don’t want to (or don’t know how to) go it alone. All you have to do is ask. And again, I will not try to force you to believe anything one way or the other. It’s up to you after you see the evidence and the arguments.


When to Make Ashland Your Port of Call

On our quest to visit all the Wisconsin state parks, we took about a week from July 30 to August 3 (2023) to visit 5 of them and in the process made Ashland our port of call.

The five parks are these…and the names are linked to my descriptions of our hikes in each.

  1. Big Bay on Madeline Island
  2. Pattison
  3. Amnicon Falls
  4. Copper Falls
  5. Governor Thompson

But I’m getting ahead of myself.


Open the Door

This is the account of our vacation to Door County, Wisconsin, from June 4 through June 9, 2023. If that doesn't completely turn you off, read on...it's mostly pictures.