
Noah Is My Hero

The Ark from a distance
You may have a movie character as your hero - Indiana Jones, Luke Skywalker, Clark Kent. Maybe your hero is a real life relative - your mom or dad, grandpa, cousin. Perhaps you’d love to be like Aaron Rodgers, Michael Jordan, or Serena Williams.

The list could go on.

My hero is Noah. That’s the biblical Noah’s ark Noah. The guy who built a huge ship and lived on it with his immediate family for a year along with pairs of animals while everything else on land died.


Something New: Gaming in Indy

Two weeks ago, my wife and I were leaving Indianapolis.

“Why were you in Indianapolis?” you ask. (And thank you for asking.)

The short answer (or, as the kids say these days, TL;DR*): We went there to play games.

The long answer follows and involves something called Gen Con. Those of you who live in the Midwest or who play board games other than Monopoly and Clue probably already know what Gen Con is. If so, you can skip ahead a little.

What Is Gen Con?

Gen Con is a 4-day gaming convention that is currently held annually at the Indiana Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium (home of the Colts) in downtown Indianapolis.

It used to be held in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Hence, the name “Gen Con” which was originally short for “Geneva Convention”, which purposely, but light-heartedly, referred to that war thing in Europe.


If I Weren’t a Christian, I Think I’d Be a Stoic

Marcus Aurelius
Recently, I read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. 

Wait, you what?

You heard me. I read the writings of an emperor of ancient Rome - Marcus Aurelius.

Okay, I’ll back up just a bit. I don’t remember exactly how I found Ryan Holiday, but it was probably in another of my searches for good books to read. Ryan is an online presence who basically promotes living like a Stoic. (More on that in a minute, because it’s not what most of you think.) He had a list of over a dozen books that he suggested you should read. One of them was Meditations.


Taking the Ultimate Vacation

Departure: February 1, 2018 - Her body rests in peace. Her spirit, her soul, leaps for joy.


How do you plan for your vacations?

These days, you probably do almost all of it online.

You pick a fun destination. (Google) You set departure and arrival and return dates. (Google calendar) You determine the costs. (Google spreadsheet) You book hotels. (Kayak)


Bedtime Prayers: Now I Lay...Meh

Confession time.

For many more years than I can remember, I didn’t say any prayers at bedtime. Not that you have to, but it is a good idea.

I probably stopped while quite young. Six years old? Seven? Eight? Ten? Who knows? (Maybe you did too.)

Some time within the past couple of years, I thought about saying bedtime prayers again and started to say one in my head after lying down for the night.

Guess which prayer I chose.