It was that time again - time to get away from friends and family for an extended period of time. Not that we get to see friends and family in person for an extended period of time very often. Still, it seemed like it would be a fun thing to do, so we did it, and it was.
Here's what it the best of my recollection. (It's amazing how quickly you forget or reorder things sometimes.)
Note: If you arrived here from State Parks Journey, you should know that this article covers both Amnicon and Pattison State Parks (and more). It was written before I had the thought of visiting all the state parks in Wisconsin.
Sunday, August 1, 2021
After Karen was done with work at the local KT, we headed north along I-94 making it as far as Eau Claire to visit with Matt and Becca for the evening. (Yeah, ignore that first line above.)
We had a relaxing few hours. I took a picture of some of their tall pines because they looked picturesque. And when trees are giving you that look, you don't want to disappoint.