
10 Things That Will Soon Disappear Forever (According to Kiplinger)

In early December of 2017, I read this slideshow (hopefully it’s still there for you) that listed what a couple of Kiplinger writers thought would soon disappear from everyday living for most people relatively soon.

I realized immediately that I needed to comment on the items they chose because there are some that many people should already know about, some that I hadn’t really thought about (and are likely correct), and one that is technically wrong.

1) Metal Keys

Did this one surprise you? It surprised me at first, but only because I hadn’t really thought about it much before. After just a few seconds, I realized that this will likely come to pass, but it may take a while.

Whether it’s a good idea or not is a different topic.

Think of all the cars that already are keyless. Do you work at a business that uses badges instead of keys to access the building and/or special rooms?

You can see where this is headed.

But I wonder how long it will be before all the doors on our houses are keyless. That’s a lot of houses, and there’s little incentive for folks to change the locks.

2) Blackouts

Apparently the grid is getting better all the time. Unless there’s been a major storm in your area, when was the last time your power unexpectedly went out?

Part of this is the idea of each home having its own battery pack. I thought idea was cool that first time I heard of it (Elon Musk). It doesn’t quite make sense for us to get one yet, but I bet it will soon.

3) Fast Food Workers

Another occupation replaced by robots. I’m not sure if this one is a good idea either. It’s not that I think the robots would do a bad job, but I wonder which jobs will replace these for all the entry-level workers out there now.

Something will take the place of this occupation. I just can’t figure out what it is right now.

4) Clutch Pedal

I knew there was a good reason that I never learned to drive stick.

5) College Textbooks

This could cut the cost of college education in half.

6) Dial-up Internet

Where are those people who still have dial-up? If you had asked me (before reading this slideshow) if it even existed anymore, I couldn’t have given you a definite answer.

7) Moldboard Plow

I didn’t realize the moldboard plow was still a thing. I thought it was an antique now only found in the game of Agricola.

8) Big Blue Mailbox

These are the collection boxes you see on street corners. I’ve used one once in the past 10 (more likely 20) years, so I guess it’s on its way out.

9) Privacy

This is the one that Kiplinger got wrong.

There hasn’t been any privacy for a long time. I’ve said so many times in the past several years. The Internet certainly helped get rid of this, but even before then, if I really, really wanted to, I could find out an awful lot about you without your knowing about it.

I didn’t.

10) Incandescent Bulb

We still have a few of these but only because they’re the decorative type that aren’t as easy to replace with any of the newer styles. Then again, maybe they are. We really haven’t looked because the old ones haven’t burnt out.

11) What else?

I’m sure they missed some things. And maybe some of the above won’t ever go out of style. (The more I think about keys, the more I wonder.)

What do you think they missed?

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